Careers Guidance Careers Brochure
Careers Guidance at Oaktree
Work experience
During their time in the Sixth Form all our students undertake a range of work experience opportunities to help make them familiar with the world of work.
These experiences are organised and supported by our Job Coach Keisha Varleigh. Each work experienced placement is personalised to the needs of the student attending and fully risk assessed.
Recent placements include working in a local café, printers and primary school
For more information on this contact Keisha at:
Careers advice
Nearly all of our students move on to a college placement of some sort when they leave Oaktree. In preparation for this the older students and their parents and carers are invited to meet with Enfield Councils Career Advisor Marvela Davies to consider and choose an appropriate and accessible college course. Most of our students go to either Southgate College in the west of the borough or CONEL located in the east of the borough.
Leaver’s regularly return to Oaktree to talk about their experiences and give feedback on their courses.
For more information on this contact Marvela at:
Technical education and Apprenticeships
Providers of Technical Education and Apprenticeships are given opportunities to visit Oaktree and talk about the opportunities they offer and the terms and conditions of accessing these opportunities.
For more information on this contact Keisha at:
Job Coach: Keisha Varleigh
Careers Lead: Kyri Nicholas
Careers Governor Furishia Ikhlef
Oaktree School is represented on the Enfield SEND Employment Board.
April 2021
Statement reviewed annually