Our school uniform, which should be worn by all pupils up until 6th form at which point students can make a choice as to what they wear so long as it conforms to the school dress wear policy. It is kept deliberately simple so that it is both affordable and easy to obtain. On the practical side,
wearing a uniform not only makes life a lot easier when getting ready for school, it also means that pupils are more readily identified (and therefore safer) during school trips. It has the additional
benefit of helping children to take pride in the school and in their appearance, and ensures they look no different from their mainstream counterparts.
The school uniform consists of:
- black or grey trousers/skirt
- white shirt/blouse or polo shirt
- black jumper or sweatshirt
- black shoes
Our sixth formers are allowed to wear their own choice of clothing and footwear as long as it is suitable for school.
Polo shirts and sweatshirts embroidered with the school motif are available from the school. These are of high quality and very reasonably priced. The school charges £10.00 for Sweatshirts and £6.50 for Polo shirts.
All items of clothing we sell, both polos and sweatshirts have the embroidered Oaktree school logo.
Parents are always advised when enquiring about our uniform that the embodied uniform is not compulsory and plain uniform tops can be bought at cheaper retail outlets such as Asda, Tescos, Sainsburys etc..
Students also require a P.E. kit, which should consist of:
- Shorts and an appropriate T-shirt
- trainers or plimsolls
- black tracksuit trousers
- swimming costume/swim shorts (for pupils in groups 1-3)
A towel and shower items are also required for wet sports.
Uniform can only be purchased through a Parentpay account